Workforce Transformation
You can only establish a new thinking, if you work differently, too.
After many years of helping companies make brands more human, I've increasingly sensed that big changes are coming internally. You can only establish new thinking - in marketing or elsewhere - if you also work differently. Old, rigid hierarchies and complex bureaucracies not only prevent a different impression from being created more quickly outside, but also, and above all, prevent people from becoming more satisfied inside. And best of all, the result of new ways of working, especially in self-organized teams, is not only satisfaction, but also success.
I have done a lot of research, experimentation, implementation and support in this area over the last few years, and especially recently with the pandemic hitting hard and shuffling our office habits around. Here I try to take you on a journey in my Teamwork Lab. Feel free to let me know if you need more info or have any questions.
Have fun!
Other topics in Work Organization:
My thinking on new work
all about teamdecoder
another team tool: "Canvasation"
and a great workshop facilitation technique: LEGO (R) Serious Play (R)
Contact me
Webinar: "Von starren Job-Descriptions zu flexiblen Rollen"
Rollen-basiertes Arbeiten hilft gegen Verwirrung, Konflikte und Unzufriedenheiten. Klare Rollen helfen, Geld, Energie und Zeit zu sparen. Wie Rollen aussehen, wie man sie aufbaut und einführt und welchen Sorgen man begegnen kann, darum geht es in diesem Webinar.
Viel Spaß!
Drive Collaboration With teamdecoder
After the pandemic people might stay remote or come back to the office part time only to do home office more than before. You will need to have a structure in place and clear responsibilities to make sure everyone can still manage their roles, links to others and teams they are part of.
teamdecoder is the perfect tool for these times because it created clarity for everyone. You included.
teamdecoder - from a workshop whiteboard to a very sophisticated Excel file to an online web app.
Get to know the incredibly intuitive and useful teamdecoder!
Canvasation - let's build a game that helps your team to deliver its purpose.
Let's do the Canvasation!
Was ist eigentlich ...
LEGO (R) Serious Play (R)?